LED Chaser


This is a quick implementation of a Kitt Scanner from the Knight Rider Show. It uses 11 5mm Red LEDs and a Keyes Arduino Pro Mini. The Pattern for the LED 1×11 matrix was created by cycling LED on in a 1, 2, 3 – 3, 2, 1 Loop. This pattern was used because of three reasons.
1. The Pro Mini has 12 Digital outputs, but only 11 LED’s fit on the final assembly.
2. Only running a max of 3 LED’s would require minimum Power requirements ~30mA max.
3. The Analog inputs leave possible inputs for changing the speed and patterns and sound output. (To be added later).

LED Pattern

The LED Pattern involved creating 2 loops, one for each direction.
The first Loop counted through the total possible patterns for the LEDs which were 13.
1. The first Pattern was only 1 Led ON For 10ms
2. The second pattern was 2 LEDs ON for 5ms then 1 ON for 5ms
3. The third pattern was 3 LEDs ON for 2.5ms then 2 ON for .25ms then 1 ON 5ms. This pattern repeated until the last LED got turned ON
4. The second to last pattern was 2 LEDs ON for 5ms then 1 ON for 5ms
5. The Last Pattern was only 1 Led ON For 10ms

This pattern repeats in the opposite direction