Dual Motor Control


The circuit board assembly using a MX1508 motor control IC connected to a pair of small 3V motors. This provides forward and reverse using clockwise and counter clockwise rotation of the motor.


The circuit board has power, 2 input, and 2 output pairs which are labeled A and B.
The inputs signals determine the output polarity on the motor . The Circuit is a redesign of a L293 motor control circuit. (Not used here since motors to be used are small and use 100ma.)
To control the board from the Arduino used 4 digital output pins, +Vbus power connection and GND connection.

*The Tinker CAD simulator does not have the MX based motor controller so a L293 IC was used. with pins 2 & 3 on arduino Set to high and conected to Enable 1 and 2 respectively on L293

Simulation 1: Connection

Using the motor controller allows for control of the voltage output which can be 0, +Vin, or -Vin (in This Case Vin = 5V). Which will control the direction of the motor spin clockwise or counter-clockwise.