Required Hardware:
RaspberryPi 3 B+ ( VNC enabled and configured )
Windows 10 computer
Required Software Windows 10:
Visual Studio Code
.NET Core installed
.Net IoT Libraries
- System.Device.GPIO
- Iot.Device.Bindings
(Repository from
Clone Repository from github using gitbash from the directory folder where the code will be compiled.
git clone iot
Using .NET Core to Build and Publish App
Using VSCode navigate to the folder:
C:[Your Folder]/iot/devices/SenseHat/samples/PressureAndTemperature.Sample.cs
Start a command Prompt Terminal, then build and compile the source code.
dotnet publish -r linux-arm
This will create the app publish folder that will have to be copied to the RaspberryPi.
Using the VNC File Transfer function the Folder can be copied to the RaspberryPi
click send entire folder and click yes if prompted
If desired the folder can be cut and pasted to another location i.e. /home/pi/.Net Core/IoT/SenseHat
Open the terminal and navigate to the publish folder
Make the sample executable And the run the executable
sudo chmod 755 ./SenseHat.Samples .SenseHat.samples
This will display the sensor data from the RaspberryPi