MagicMirror Architecture
New voice activated MagicMirror2 Hardware Setup:
22" monitor,
Raspberry Pi 3 B+,
Google voice kit V1,
Software Setup:
Raspian, Python3.2, NPM,
MagicMirror2, Google Assistant, PM2
Read More About Hardware used
- LG LP171WP4 (TL)(N2) 17.1″ Glossy LCD Screen 1400×900
- LCD Controller Driver Board VS-TY2660H-V1 (For LP171WP4 )
- 12V 4A Power Supply
- 12V to 5V 2.1 Amp Power Supply
- 16×20 Picture Frame
- Black Picture frame insert
- Custom Frame
- Hardware
Download Google Voice kit Raspian Image
install on microsd card and complete Raspian setup and select update
bash -c "$(curl -sL"
Create a Google Developers Account
Create a new Project on the Actions Console
Select Social & Communication experience
click on how to decide action is invoked
Enter a Display Name (i.e. Mirror) and Google assistant Voice
Add Action: click Get Started in Dialogflow
Create an Agent and give it a Name (i.e. MirrorFlow ) Note the linked name for later Agent will be linked with vgmirror-9b466 Google Project
Add Google Assistant to project
Create OAuth2.0 credentials for Raspberry Pi