Using sourceperl rpi.rtc library to read time
Needs corrections
Install Python3 and download the github repository
sudo python3 install git clone
Wire the rtc to the raspberry pi using the default mapping.
Chip | Rpi pin |
VCC | 3.3v pin |
GND | GND pin |
CLK | pin 11 |
DATA | pin 13 |
CE (RST) | pin 15 |
*You can modify the the pin connections on the file by changing the pin =#
def __init__(self, clk_pin=11, data_pin=13, ce_pin=15)
Create a file to
Read RTC chip date and time .sudo nano
Use functions from to read and set time
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # read date and time from RTC chip, return ISO 8601 UTC string # assume DS1302 contain UTC time and not local import sys import pyRPiRTC rtc = pyRPiRTC.DS1302(clk_pin=11, data_pin=13, ce_pin=15) try: # read date and time from RTC chip dt = rtc.read_datetime() print(dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')) except ValueError: sys.exit('error with RTC chip, check wiring') finally: # clean close rtc.close()
Update Rpi system time from RTC chip
Typically call at RPi startup
sudo date -s `./ds1302_get_utc`
One line to check RTC chip time vs system time
Since RTC store only second and not millisecond a 1s delta can occur (or more after a few days)
# drift in second
echo $(($(date -u -d`ds1302_get_utc` +%s) - $(date -u +%s)))
# human readable
echo "RTC `ds1302_get_utc`"; echo "SYS `date --utc +%FT%TZ`";
echo $(($(date -u -d`ds1302_get_utc` +%s) - $(date -u +%s)))
# human readable
echo "RTC `ds1302_get_utc`"; echo "SYS `date --utc +%FT%TZ`";