If Needed install Nodejs and npm by running the command
sudo apt-get install nodejs npm
Installation of each can be verified by typing
node -v
npm -v
Node installation can also be tested by typing
Install the npm package called http-server. The http-server package was created by the amazing IndexZero (aka Charlie Robbins). Navigate to directory
sudo npm install -g http-server
Change the directory to the /home/pi/Public directory to store and serve up public web files. Create file index.html and and insert test html.
cd /home/pi/Public
sudo touch index.html
sudo nano index.html
Welcome to my website!
Save and close index.html, verify the file exist in the directory then launch http-server
#Verify that the file exists
#Start Nodejs Web Server
Starting up http-server, serving ./
Available on:
Hit CTRL-C to stop the server
open webrowser and enter the IP address or http://localhost:8080 which should open website displaying “Welcome to my website!”
On a different computer on the same network the same webpage should be accessible by typing the http://[IP address]:8080 or http://[hostname]:8080