Record Table Structure

'Class For Recording

   MultiUse = -1  'True
 Attribute VB_Name = "Record_Table_Structure"
 Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
 Attribute VB_Creatable = False
 Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
 Attribute VB_Exposed = False
 Option Compare Database
 Option Explicit
 ' Date: 09/03/2019
 ' Author: Gilbert Medel
 ' Current Version: 3.1.0
 ' Notes: This will record the table structure of the Access file selected
 ' Needs a reference to the Access.Application object Can be expanded to capture more properties/attributes
 ' Public Variables
 '  Objects
 Public Parent As Object
 Public Self As Object
 Public Result As Integer
 ' Private Variables
 '  Objects
 Private Access_Application As Object 'Application
 Private Current_File As Object 'Database
 Private Design_File As Object 'Database
 Private Table_Design_Records As Object 'Recordset2
 Private Table_List_Records As Object 'Recordset2
 Private Table_from_list As Object 'TableDef
 Private Table_Field As Object 'Field2
 '  Variables
 Private Table_List_Key As Variant
 Private Table_Design_Key As Variant
 '  Initialize
 Private Sub Class_Initialize()
 End Sub
 ' Public Properties
 ' Public Functions
 ' Public Sub
 Public Sub Record_Table_Data(Parent_Reference As Object)
     If Parent_Reference Is Nothing Then
         MsgBox "No Parent Application Reference", vbCritical, "Record_Table_Structure"
         Result = 1 'No parent Error
         Set Parent = Parent_Reference
         'If Variables are set Get Table Structure
         If Set_Variables And Open_Design_Database Then
             Result = 0 'No Errors
              Result = 2 'Data Error
         End If
     End If
 End Sub
 ' Private Functions
 Private Function Tables_Exist() As Boolean
     Dim Tables_Found(1) As Boolean
     If Current_File Is Nothing Then
         Tables_Exist = False
         For Each Table_from_list In Current_File.TableDefs
             If Table_from_list.Name = "Table_List" Then
                 Tables_Found(0) = True
             End If
             If Table_from_list.Name = "Table_Design" Then
                 Tables_Found(1) = True
             End If
         Next Table_from_list
     End If
     If Tables_Found(0) Then
         'Create table
         Set Table_from_list = Nothing
         Set Table_from_list = Current_File.CreateTableDef("Table_List")
         'Create Local_ID as Auto incrementing primary key
         Set Table_Field = Table_from_list.CreateField("Local_ID", DB_LONG)
         Table_Field.Attributes = DB_AUTOINCRFIELD
         Table_from_list.Fields.Append Table_Field
         Set Table_List_Key = Table_from_list.CreateIndex("Table_ID")
         Table_List_Key.Primary = True
         Set Table_Field = Table_List_Key.CreateField("Local_ID")
         Table_List_Key.Fields.Append Table_Field
         Table_from_list.Indexes.Append Table_List_Key
     Set Table_Field = Table_from_list.CreateField("Table_Name", DB_TEXT, 255)     Table_from_list.Fields.Append Table_Field     Set Table_Field = Table_from_list.CreateField("Version", DB_TEXT, 255)     Table_from_list.Fields.Append Table_Field     Set Table_Field = Table_from_list.CreateField("Date_Updated", DB_Date)     Table_from_list.Fields.Append Table_Field     Set Table_Field = Table_from_list.CreateField("Date_Created", DB_Date)     Table_from_list.Fields.Append Table_Field     Current_File.TableDefs.Append Table_from_list End If Current_File.TableDefs.Refresh If Tables_Found(1) Then     'Exists Else     'Create table     Set Table_from_list = Current_File.CreateTableDef("Table_Design")     'Create Local_ID as Auto incrementing primary key     Set Table_Field = Table_from_list.CreateField("Local_ID", DB_LONG)     Table_Field.Attributes = DB_AUTOINCRFIELD     Table_from_list.Fields.Append Table_Field     Set Table_List_Key = Table_from_list.CreateIndex("Table_ID")     Table_List_Key.Primary = True     Set Table_Field = Table_List_Key.CreateField("Local_ID")     Table_List_Key.Fields.Append Table_Field     Table_from_list.Indexes.Append Table_List_Key     Set Table_Field = Table_from_list.CreateField("Table_List_FKEY", DB_LONG)     Table_from_list.Fields.Append Table_Field     Set Table_Field = Table_from_list.CreateField("Field_Name", DB_TEXT, 255)     Table_from_list.Fields.Append Table_Field     Set Table_Field = Table_from_list.CreateField("Data_Type", DB_TEXT, 255)     Table_from_list.Fields.Append Table_Field      Set Table_Field = Table_from_list.CreateField("Date_Updated", DB_Date)     Table_from_list.Fields.Append Table_Field      Set Table_Field = Table_from_list.CreateField("Date_Created", DB_Date)     Table_from_list.Fields.Append Table_Field     Current_File.TableDefs.Append Table_from_list End If Current_File.TableDefs.Refresh Tables_Exist = True
 End Function
 Private Function Set_Variables() As Boolean
     Set_Variables = False
     If Parent.Application.Name = "Microsoft Access" Then
         Set Access_Application = Parent.Application
         Set Current_File = Parent.Application.CurrentDb
        'Set Recordset to store Design
         If Tables_Exist Then
             Set Table_List_Records = Current_File.TableDefs("Table_List").OpenRecordset
             Set Table_Design_Records = Current_File.TableDefs("Table_Design").OpenRecordset
             Set_Variables = True
             Set_Variables = False
         End If
     End If
 End Function
 Private Function Open_Design_Database() As Boolean
     Dim Select_File As Object
     Set Select_File = Access_Application.FileDialog(3) '3 File Selection dialog
     With Select_File
         .AllowMultiSelect = False
         '.ButtonName = Folder
         .Filters.Add "All Files", "."
         .FilterIndex = 1
         .Title = "Select File For Processing"
         If .SelectedItems.Count = 1 Then
             If Right(.SelectedItems(1), 5) = "accdb" Then
                 Set Design_File = Access_Application.DBEngine.OpenDatabase(.SelectedItems(1))
                 Open_Design_Database = True
                 Open_Design_Database = False
             End If
             Open_Design_Database = False
         End If
     End With
 End Function
 Private Function Is_Not_TID_Field(Field_Name As Variant) As Boolean
     If Field_Name = "Date_Created" Or Field_Name = "Data_Lock" Or Field_Name = "Date_Locked" Or Field_Name = "Date_Updated" Or Field_Name = "Data_Matched" Or Field_Name = "Data_Exported" Or Field_Name = "Local_ID" Or Field_Name = "Network_PKEY" Then
         Is_Not_TID_Field = False
         Is_Not_TID_Field = True
     End If
 End Function
 ' Private Subs
 Private Sub Zeroize()
     'Clear objects
     Set Parent = Nothing
     Set Self = Nothing
     Set Access_Application = Nothing
     Set Current_File = Nothing
     Set Design_File = Nothing
     Set Table_from_list = Nothing
     Set Table_Field = Nothing
     Set Table_Design_Records = Nothing
     Set Table_List_Records = Nothing
     ' Clear Variables
     Table_List_Key = Null
     Table_Design_Key = Null
 End Sub
 Private Sub Generate_Table_List()
     For Each Table_from_list In Design_File.TableDefs
         'check if table is not a access application table, temp table, paste error, error table
         If Left(Table_from_list.Name, 4) <> "MSys" And Left(Table_from_list.Name, 2) <> "~T" And Left(Table_from_list.Name, 4) <> "Past" And Left(Table_from_list.Name, 3) <> "Err" Then
             'Checks if table is already listed
             If IsNull(DLookup("Table_Name", "Table_List", "Table_Name = " & Chr(39) & Table_from_list.Name & Chr(39) & " AND Version = " & Chr(39) & Design_File.Properties("AppTitle") & Chr(39))) Then
                 Table_List_Records.Fields("Table_Name") = Table_from_list.Name
                 Table_List_Records.Fields("Version") = Design_File.Properties("AppTitle")
                 Table_List_Records.Fields("Date_Updated") = Now
                 'No Update Needed
             End If
         End If
     Next Table_from_list
 End Sub
 Private Sub Generate_Field_List()
     'Send Name
     For Each Table_Field In Table_from_list.Fields
         'Recor Field Name if not a TID Design Field
         If Is_Not_TID_Field(Table_Field.Name) Then
             Table_Design_Records.Fields("Table_List_FKEY") = Table_List_Records.Fields("Local_ID")
             Table_Design_Records.Fields("Field_Name") = Table_Field.Name
             Table_Design_Records.Fields("Data_Type") = DLookup("DAO_Name", "DataTypeEnumeration_DAO", "Enumeration = " & Table_Field.Type)
             Table_Design_Records.Fields("Date_Updated") = Now
         End If
     Next Table_Field
 End Sub
 ' Terminate
 Private Sub Class_Terminate()
 End Sub
 ' End Code